Maintenance treatment; is it really necessary?

Practitioners everywhere seem to talk a lot about maintenance treatment. The age old discussion around "you service your car, so you should service your body", has never really made sense to me. I service my car once a year - if I had to take my car in for a service...

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I have tennis elbow, but I don’t play tennis?

I have tennis elbow, but I don’t play tennis?

So you have been diagnosed with tennis elbow, but you don't play tennis. This is a very common question! Fact is, you don't have to play tennis to be told you have tennis elbow. Or golfers elbow for that matter!   Tennis elbow is otherwise called lateral...

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Overnight Oats – how to make the mornings easier

Overnight Oats – how to make the mornings easier

If you are like me, the mornings can be challenging! Gym, lunches, and getting kids ready for school; it can be hard trying to fit in a healthy breakfast. If I remember the night before I try to make overnight oats - the base recipe is pretty simple to replicate, then...

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I have a spikey ball, how do I use it?

I have a spikey ball, how do I use it?

Most of us somewhere along the way have collected certain self massage tools that we have *every* intention of using at home. But sometimes we may wonder "exactly how do I use this thing?". Well if your dog hasn't taken ownership of your spikey ball I'm going to show...

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Welcome to Monty Osteo!

Welcome to Monty Osteo!

Hi there! I'm Dana and I am the founder of Montmorency Osteopathic Clinic, and I would like to welcome you to my page. Montmorency Osteopathic Clinic first started in 2008, where my partner and I first leased a small room out of a medical practice in Montmorency. We...

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